eBay UK 50,000 listing Business seller promo

No primary category set

eBay are running a promotion for UK Business sellers offering up to 50,000 fixed price listings with free insertion fees.

Sadly it’s an invite only promotion so if you’ve not seen the email you’re probably not included. However if you’d be interested there’s in case the email went astray.

Feature fees and final value fees will still apply so make sure you don’t add a ton of features if they’re not cost effective for you. Seller limits my still apply so you might not be able to list all 50,000 even if you’re included in the promotion. Make sure you regular items are the first to be listed.

This does look like a standard promotion as the dates are a little vague simply stating “Feature fees and final value fees will still apply”. We’re not sure how many sellers have been invited to participate (but probably more than just Tamebay reader John who let us know about the promotion). Have you received an invite?

3 Responses

  1. I have a shop subscription so am not charged any insertion fees anyway? Am I missing something?

    If I had 50,000 pre owned swiss watches to list, my stock would be worth approx 42.5 million.

  2. Just a warning that I think is very important Re. 50.000 free listings:
    I have just ended & relisted (as sell similar) approx 150 of my items (one off used clothing) in order to take advantage of the boost in Best Match search.
    Previously, newly re-listed items would be boosted up to top of search for a couple of days but to my horror, I have checked some of my listings and found they have been dumped right to the bottom of search! (literally in the bottom 10 or so of Best Match).
    I am wondering if this may be another change to the Cassini engine in that re-lists will no longer get this “New Listing” boost anymore.
    Fresh new listings are still getting this boost.
    If this is the case then Ebay need to make this clear to sellers as, like me, they may find their re-lists dumped to bottom of search and consequently suffer a huge loss in sales!

  3. Got the offer -but am concerned about the search results I just did the same as Lynda above as well relisting a load more on 3 day listings Ah well too late now but will be watching my results. Surely eBay see that FREE listings are pointless if the fail in search just cos they are relists Can anyone do 50,000 new listings in 7 days?


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