eBay comment on Wednesday’s site issues

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There were numerous site issues on eBay on Wednesday. We asked ebay for a comment and we publish it here verbatim:

“Today, many eBay customers experienced a disruption in their ability to transact. That problem, which lasted just under three hours, has now been corrected. The majority of functionality was restored at 5pm and the issue was fully resolved at 5:45pm. The disruption occurred as a result of a public internet domain change that had an unanticipated impact on processing inside the eBay platform. We regret the fact that this occurrence created a business interruption for some of our sellers and buyers. We will be providing standard protections for our sellers, and we’ll be providing further details shortly.”

We wrote about Wednesday’s problems here and your comments made for grim reading and they come after other issues on the 14th.

I rather feel like a stuck record when I comment on these difficulties that eBay experiences in that a) they seem to happen periodically b) it’s a bad state of affairs in 2015 to have such problems and c) it’s just not clear what efforts eBay is making to improve the stability of the site.

But suffice to say it’s not good news to have a slew of site problems for several hours in what is one of the most important selling weeks of the year.

We’ll report on what further details eBay provides us with regarding the recompense hinted at in their statement when we get the details.

8 Responses

  1. ~
    The comment that you offer ‘verbatim’ seems to be no more and no less than eBay have already published on their (.com) systems anouncement board. Albeit with GMT times substituted for PT:

    To state that it was a result of ‘a public internet domain change’ that had an ‘unaticipated impact’ is telling.

    No other sites that I visited yesterday seem to have suffered to any noticeable extent.

  2. ebay are beginning to sound more and more like one of their chinese sellers ,on who your waiting for a delivery

  3. We sold on Ebay from 2003 until earlier this year.

    I can honestly say that there was never a single day in that time that something did not work properly on Ebay.

    It might have been auto-relist errors – internal error to the application garbage, or pictures not showing etc etc.

    Many times we wondered why sales had just stopped dead for hours or even days at a time.

    Is it just underinvesting in technology?
    Is it pure incompetence?
    Or did Ebay just get too big for them to handle?

    Other sites have occasional lapses, but with Ebay it’s a constant dripping tap that becomes a torrent at unpredictable intervals.

    Maybe there are some folk who read this board who have worked at Ebay can shed light on it?

    PS – Weren;t we promised a while back that these problems would not happen any more???

  4. Agree with Andy R…always something not working! Last week it was (for me anyway) images not loading/updating. Today, unable to revise my BIN prices down!
    They are in so many ways a very poor online site – nothing ever seems to go wrong with the endless stream of advertising thrown at sellers/buyers.
    Hey ho….

  5. “The disruption occurred as a result of a public internet domain change”

    Would someone care to translate their technobable into English. 🙂

  6. Per usual… only admit a problem when it’s totally undeniable, try to at least subtly blame someone else, claim it was addressed and resolved quickly.

    Just under 3 hours??? Try 6+ hours. Start of some of the issues around 2AM EST, by 7AM *nothing* was working properly… not able to list, revise, ship, calculate shipping and buyers being told that some sellers were “No Longer Registered User(s)” , links to listings all redirecting to the eBay homepage in mobile apps, etc. etc. etc. Problems persisted until after 12PM.

    Undoubtedly, like everything else that has been ‘fixed’ in the past 2 months, we can expect the issues to start reoccurring shortly. My bets are on Monday afternoon.


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