More on the eBay Returns notifications glitch

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We reported yesterday that some eBay sellers had received seller performance defects because they had not responded to Returns requests from buyers in the Returns dashboard.

The reason why they didn’t respond was that eBay wasn’t sending out notifications that there were requests pending. You can read our original story here.

eBay have kindly provided us with this statement: “There was a technical issue that affected returns requests that were raised between 6 and 16 May. This only affected buyer open return request emails to sellers, all other tools such as returns dashboards remained functional during this period and did not prohibit sellers from processing returns. This issue has been resolved. All defects (seller performance and any negative feedback) associated with this issue have been removed.”

Needless to say we’ve heard from quite a number of sellers about how this has impacted them. It seems that not all defects have been removed yet but will be in the next 72 hours so do check that your record has been corrected. And also remember that you have extra time to respond to open case so get on that right away.

One seller who has been in contact (they’re a pretty big fashion retailer so they experience a lot of returns) to say they’ve lost their Top Rated Seller status because of defects applied to their account.

The good news is that those defects are being removed but in a conversation the seller had with eBay Customer Support it was revealed that this wouldn’t help regain Top Rated Seller status. The account was assessed on the 20th and judged Below Standard and will remain that way until the next assessment on the 20th of next month. That’s a stiff penalty for any seller. So it’s worth checking your seller status too.

How have you been impacted?

8 Responses

  1. On my seller dashboard under “Open returns and replacements” it states i have 1, Click on to go to it and nothing! Typical. Defective ebay as per usual.

  2. This happened to me and the last email from Ebay basically said..We as Ebay have fu**** up but where using your money to pay for our mistake. and we will refund them..The word unbelievable come to mind, thankfully the item was only £6.00 in value.

    Words fail me with Ebay and how they treat sellers

  3. I’m getting server error pages trying to access any seller pages.

    At first they said it was because I’ve used several different devices to access the site, then they said there is a technical glitch.

    I cant even log in to revise listings. ebay is a joke of a platform !

  4. Yes happened to me a lot today. I’ve just sat back and ate a biscuit each time this has happened. I’ve finished 4 packets this morning alone.

  5. I’ve refunded buyers and canceled orders per CSR and now already refunded buyers refunds show as pending. All started May 8 for me. And account is now waiting for buyers to confirm cancellations/refunds and account is temp on hold. I’ve been on phone for hours and hours over the past two weeks with pp and eBay pointing finger at each other and me. Not to mention furious buyers and neg feedback. I’m sick over this. Went from 100% to 99.7% in one afternoon. FML

  6. just FYI, ebay didnt remove all the defects like they said they would. shockerooni.

  7. also been getting correspondance from ebay regarding other cases.

    ” message from ebay regarding case# (not my case), ebay item number: (item doesnt exist)
    description: small train (which i dont sell).

    we can see the buyer requested return of this item for reason X.
    go collect the small train before we refund them”.

    me – “what? i dont sell small trains”

    ebay – ” go collect the small train before we refund the customer”.

    me – “i dont sell trains, i have only one case open and this ain’t it”.

    ebay – “dont care. go collect whatever you sold to whoever you sold it to before we refund them”.

    me – ” i already sent that one a return label”.

    ebay – “prove it!”

    me – ” i bought it from you through that very same case…”

    ebay – ” thats fine, we promise we wont refund them without return”
    ebay – ” your buyer has been refunded without return”.


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