75% off eBay UK final fees for invited private sellers today only

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eBay UK is doing quite a few pricing promos at the moment. You may well have seen others but this is one that came our way. 75% of FVFs for invited private sellers, today, Sunday 19th only. Needless to say, Terms and Conditions apply and you have to opt in.

Let us know if you’ve seen any other promos.

2 Responses

  1. This isn’t Tamebay’s fault as the “heads up” arrived in one of my mailboxes early in the day that the eBay offer was valid for . . . but as the others that Tamebay have promoted clicking on the link early in the day brought the following eBay message : “Unfortunately, you can no longer sign up for this promotional offer because it has expired.”

    Few things can damage “sales promotion” more than being given out of date information? eBay’s scatter gun attitude isn’t helping them.

  2. Hi
    I have just received the same offer, as a private seller, for 75% off 100 listings from now until Sunday, “as a thank you for selling on eBay”


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