eBay UK comments on Brexit

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eBay is a global company. The mothership is in the US but their number 2 and 3 markets are Germany and the UK. At least one of those will be staying in the EU in the years to come.

eBay has made a statement with regards to that which you can find here.

It reads:

“As a global business enabling cross-border trade for SMBs worldwide, eBay has been a consistent supporter of the EU Single Market and the creation of a true EU Digital Single Market.

We believe there are advantages for both sellers and buyers to be part of large open trade blocks. But our business is a global one and our sellers are successful within and outside the European Union. British voters have decided that their interests are best represented outside of the EU and so we will continue to put the best interests of British SMBs and customers at the heart of what we do.

We will continue to work with the UK Government and at a European level to ensure we are close to any discussions/changes resulting from this vote, which may affect our customers.”

7 Responses

  1. We will continue to milk the UK buyers, flooding the UK site with Chinese and U.S. Listings.’

    They’ve never put the interests of British Smbs anywhere near what they do imo.


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