eBay Shop subscription fees and benefits from 1st April 2017

No primary category set

eBay are increasing eBay Shop subscription fees from the 1st of April 2017. They are also adding more extras to subscriptions giving you more inclusive fixed price listings, as well as new benefits, such as:

• Inclusive 7-day auction-style listings
• A monthly eBay packaging voucher
• Listing upgrade credit to spend on listing upgrades and Promote your listings.

Remember that if you’re registered as a business seller on eBay, since 1st January 2015 you pay no VAT on eBay fees. Even if you’re not VAT registered you still get all fees (including eBay shop fees) VAT free. If you are VAT registered then you can’t reclaim VAT as none is charged.

eBay Shop Subscription Fees & Benefits

No Shop
Monthly Subscription Value*
Monthly price
(up from £17.38)
(up from £52.17)
(up from £217.38)
Included fixed price listings
(up from 200)
(up from 1,200)
(no change)
New: Included 7-day auction-style listings
Insertion fee per additional fixed price listing
(up from 26p)
(up from 9p)
(up from 4p)
(no change)
Insertion fee per additional auction-style listing
(up from 9p or 26p)
(up from 13p or 4p)
(up from 13p or 4p)
(up from 13p or 4p)
New: eBay packaging voucher
New: Listing upgrade credit
Free listings in 13 additional countries

*Value of Shop subscriptions

eBay calculate the value of shop subscriptions with the following reasoning which assumes that you use the full allowances that come with your Shop subscription level.

Value for a Featured Shop:

Inclusive fixed price listings: additional allowance from Basic to featured shop x price per additional listing at Basic shop level = (1,500 – 250) x 15p = £187.50

Inclusive 7-day auction-style listings: (300 – 50) x 15p = £37.50

eBay packaging voucher = £10

Listing upgrade credit = £10

Total value = £245

• £90 of value a month with a Basic Shop compared to not having a Shop
• £245 of value a month with a Featured Shop compared to a Basic Shop
• £1,275 of value a month with an Anchor Shop compared to a Featured Shop

One Response

  1. The dealbreaker on a featured shop is 300 free auctions that probably have to start at 99p. I’ll bet you cant start them at £9.99 so no use to anyone who doesnt use auctions.


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