Samsung has now launched its mobile contactless payment service Samsung Pay in the UK. It’s been two years since Apple Pay landed and Android Pay is roughy a year old. So, if you have a Samsung Galaxy 5 handset, you can now use it to pay for items and services at those contactless terminals that are now ubiquitous. You can also use them in London (and elsewhere) when you get on a bus, tube or train.
Samsung Pay blazed a trail, and was one of the first mobile payment systems available in South Korea and other countries, but they have lagged with this launch in the UK and elsewhere in Europe.
Kyle Brown of Samsung says: “Samsung Pay is one of our key foundations for our services strategy for 2017, along with Bixby, Samsung Connect and Samsung Health. Samsung is determined to get consumers to think of it as more than just a company that makes devices. Samsung Pay is just one of several initiatives where it is trying to add value to its products while establishing an ongoing relationship with its customers over the lifetime of a device.”
Doubtless devotees of Samsung will be quick to adopt this service. Hopefully vendors will embrace it too but it will be interesting to see if their delay in getting operational will affect the adoption of Samsung Pay. Will you be using it?
4 Responses
Just checked on play store and says incompatible with my S7.
OOooooh, thankyou.
I’ll give it a whirl Whirly !!!
Only supported by MBNA,Nationwide and Santander.