Meet the marketplace: eBUYgumm

No primary category set

The eBUYgumm marketplace is relatively new but with the uniqueness that they are only allowing bona fide UK based retailers to trade and sell. As with all new marketplace it takes time to build traction, but eBUYgumm have made listings and selling totally free.

One of the great things about eBUYgumm is that founder, Darren Swann is remarkably accessible and willing to speak to retailers considering selling on the marketplace. If you’re not sure if it’s for you then get in touch with Darren and ask him your questions directly.

We spoke to Darren and asked him about progress so far:

Who are eBUYgumm?

The founders of eBUYgumm have been in business for over 30 years with many successful businesses standing the test of time.

eBUYgumm has been developed by online sellers that were fed up with the online selling platforms available, they are either too complicated or far to expensive… We were fed up with auction sites and auto bidding that far to was obvious, We were fed up with competing with Chinese sellers that were pretending to be in the UK and we were fed up with not being able to keep in contact with our buyers. We were disappointed with having no control over obvious scams and refunds being made in the buyers favour when they should clearly not have been. And fed up of being dictated to buy company’s that were not even based in the UK.

So we bring you eBUYgumm with a vision of helping UK business sellers and individuals to make more money with a simple and effective platform.

Why start a new marketplace?

As online sellers we decided to build a platform that removed all the unlikeable things from the obvious marketplaces that existed.

This is where we bring you, the sellers, numerous benefits…

  • No Listing Fee’s
  • No Selling Fee’s
  • No Shop Fee’s

Or should we simply say … No Fee’s!

Individual sellers will be FREE Forever… and in turn bringing millions of returning customers to our Marketplace to buy after they have sold their own items.

We want consumers to go around their house and sell unwanted or unused items and make some money.

Currently eBUYgumm is free for business members to encourage the growth of our marketplace and will not change in the foreseeable future until its fully evolved.

With only UK sellers we can now compete with China… while they sell on other platforms and have to pay their fees we gain a huge % advantage having no selling fees at all.

Sellers can either reduce their prices or make more money… the decision is theirs !

With our UK call centre if there’s a problem that is possibly a scam we will deal with each individual claim based on facts… so if you sent an item recorded and its been signed for you will be paid etc… And with PayPal your buyers are safe.

Where you eBUYgumm getting buyers from?

eBUYgumm are currently doing a UK tour in our 15 meter Exhibition Trailer. We are Just launching our latest 6 Month Radio campaign and our Facebook marketing strategy is set for the next 12 months.

  • We have Sponsored a Champion Show Jumper to kick start our Equestrian category
  • We have Sponsored a Boxer to Kick start our Sportswear category
  • We have sponsored a UK Dance tour to Kickstart our Dance wear category
  • We are in Talks with Diversity and many big UK names for Promotion category

Our TV Advert is waiting to go…

Currently we are growing at 50 to 100 new users a day and our shops and item listings are growing rapidly.
Our Marketing budget is high … but so are our expectations!

We have all been charged far too much to sell for far to long…

Even in 2019 our well known marketplaces are still increasing there charges! So with a new place to sell that’s FREE You have nothing to lose! But everything to gain!

All we need is your help to spread the news even quicker. If you want to make more money… Spread the News!!

If you’re happy being charged a fortune in selling fees… dont !

How do I get started listing?

To sign up to eBUYgumm it’s easy … go online and sign up. If you want to sell as a business you need to upgrade to a business seller and this opens the Free shop Front and ways to import your items like CSV import.

You can manually list items as its quick and easy and you can list a car in under 60 seconds.

Our UK Call centre are there to help.

How do eBUYgumm payments work?

Currently TrustePay is our recommended payment method powered by Stripe.

You can also make and receive payments using PayPal a payment method you all know and trust, although we are in development to release a major update within the PayPal Marketplace and our own TrustePay in the very near future.

Although Stripe is a Global name and behind some of the worlds largest online retailers such as Apple, Amazon, Boohoo, Facebook and many other online retailers due to its technology, fraud prevention, and banking infrastructure required to operate on-line payment systems it is yet to become popular and more well known throughout the UK.

TrustePay however has been designed to allow the payment to be received in the sellers own account and made available once the buyer receives their item.

This is to prevent scams and fraud by either the buyer or seller and to encourage a better and more trusted market place to buy and sell from.

Tell us more about your proposition?

If you are a business seller and would like to know more about the future of eBUYgumm and the benefits it can bring to your business then you can contact Darren, eBUYgumm’s Managing Director, as he will happily discuss not only the future of eBUYgumm but the future of your online selling business.

We care about what you the sellers and buyers want from an online marketplace and we welcome any feedback as we need to hear your views and to tell us what features you would like to see.
eBUYgumm designed for online sellers by online sellers!

Want to Start Buying & Selling on eBUYgumm?

Click here to sign up and register your free membership.
No Listing Fee’s – No Selling Fee’s – No Monthly Fee’s

Do you have a large Inventory? Need help to upload your bulk listings? Don’t Worry!
Our Help & Support Team are waiting to help & guide you every step of they way!
Listing your items couldn’t be easier.
Email us directly at [email protected]

Interested in selling on eBUYgumm? Call us on 0333 370 5000 and let’s talk.

98 Responses

  1. this free thing is not so daft

    when ebay uk first launched we got 6 months free final value listing fees
    and allsorts of other upgrade perks
    though ebay have recovered that a thousand times over and more now

  2. I’m on the site, no sales yet but that’s to be expected

    I do believe they have money to spend as they run competitions often to get likes and shares and we not talking bars of chocolate bars either we are talking concert tickets etc, quad bikes you name it

    I often see them appearing on Facebook

    Hopefully the money they are spending will pay off

  3. Did Chris not give this site a bit of a drubbing a few months ago when another poster made a comment.???
    Uk call centre ??? No fees etc where is the money coming from.
    What is the difference with eBuygumm and say likes of On Buy Buuy For the little guys etc…CAN they market the site??? Break into the minds of the Amazon for everything types…
    I don’t want to list with Fleece you Bay or Amazon anymore they are now all just take take take and bring no value anymore.
    Where we are working right now is niche sites like GAME CS etc where we are getting traffic and decent value and most important margin sales and no scammers…
    There is no doubt many merchants want something new and fresh and somewhere to promote their own brand. I wasted time and money before on New UK marketplaces so what is the difference here???

  4. Hi Sam
    What Chris pointed out before was that as the MD of eBUYgumm why wasn’t i selling my goods on the site , which to be fair was a good question ! ( i still owe him a clip round the ear ! )
    But as i explained we are growing so fast … my own online selling had to take a back seat and still has at this present time.
    Like most we were fed up with what’s out there so we wanted to bring something different to the table … ( The Swann Group of Companies have been around 30 years ) so no beginners and class ourselves as innovators as we have been in many other business sectors.
    It’s no point us bringing what’s already out there … so here is eBUYgumm with many benefits …
    We decided it’s time to get rid of scammers … and concentrate on the UK only, with Brexit fast approaching it was time to look after our own.
    We decided to give individuals a place to sell for FREE for ever !! as the UK public have just stopped bothering to sell due to the cost and how long it takes …
    We decided to strip out all the complicated things and make it easier …
    We decided to make it FREE for the business sellers until such time that it’s really working and everyone is making money , only then we will implement a very small fee for selling and a fee that works for sellers … you won’t want to go off site and we are so confident we have made contacting buyer to seller mandatory as we want buyer and seller to be in touch ! as you should be able to ask each other questions etc …
    We all know other sites block you as they know deals will be done off site to save fees as they are SO expensive .. with eBUYgumm you will prefer to stay on the site for protection as the fee will be minimal.
    The benefits go on and on … but we are here to make a better place … all we need is everyone’s help to share the news !
    The big difference here is, the site has been built by online sellers ….for online sellers and we will work with you guys to give you the Marketplace you want and deserve, we are confident you will love it and to prove it we are FREE …
    So you have nothing to lose but everything to gain !
    If you want to discuss further im here to answer all your questions …
    Best Regards
    Darren Swann
    “online Selling can be Fun ! “

  5. It would seem that they’ve got some work to do on the design (banners) there. But what a fantastic name.

    Given how eBay have slowly and methodically discarded all but the big businesses we’d be more than happy to join a genuine UK competitor providing that they gain some traction in the refurbished server and refurbished PC markets.

  6. I’ve checked out their site, but in all honesty I can’t see anything different here from other attempted start ups.

    No fees “currently” is the traditional form of words to get sellers in, but what about buyers?

    People like it simple and heading to Amazon and Ebay is the easiest way to find stuff.

    If you are one of a host of alternative sites, why should people bother?

    You need to be big in order to attract customers and you only attract customers if you are big. Catch 22.

    There’s also a problem for sellers. It takes a lot of effort to transfer a large inventory across and with the best will in the world, the no fees model will be replaced by a paying system.

    I genuinely wish Ebuygum well. (might not appeal to customers outside Yorkshire!)

    Chances of breaking through based on what I’ve seen so far: 2/10

  7. Having had a quick look the main thing (apart from the banners) is the lack of reassurance for the buyer. Under FAQs, as a buyer I want to see that my purchase will be guaranteed and the site will protect me – I’m not seeing that anywhere.
    This is a big challenge for new marketplaces, there is no shortage of sellers large and small, the competition is for the buyers.
    I wish eBuyGum well but can’t see why buyers would choose them first.

  8. Been a Yorkshire based ebayer the name caught my attention.

    I immediately pu t’whippet in back yard, threw sum coil on t’fire, logged on t’internet and ad a quick luk.

    First thing I noticed that there is no business and industrial category for our products (spare parts).

    I would love to try an alternative as our ebay fees are hovering around 15k per month. Will keep an eye on the site and see if the categories improve in the future.

    I wish Darren the best of luck but “Th’as got thi work cut art”

  9. Some Great comments so far … and i am here to reply to any questions or i’m happy to take calls 🙂
    As you can Imagine the site is constantly undergoing work for new ideas and improvements …
    You can speak with our Techs to do any imports ..
    We are currently building our own stock control across platforms and in talks with outside providers.
    Its going to be Free for sellers for a long time and the key to getting the buyers is by getting items on … if we all want a place to sell for free or for a very small amount we need to pull together ..
    Its in our nature that we don’t like change but if we as sellers want to make more money and stop being ripped off then we have to embrace change and help !
    Buyers will come where the items are … and as we are free most of our new businesses are reducing their prices by 5-10% wich gives buyers a better and cheaper place to buy from !
    Listing items is as easy as a few clicks …. get in touch well have you up and running in no time !.
    Our growth so far has been urged by the new sellers joining daily …
    We have ALL the same categories that other marketplaces have and currently we are redeveloping the Quick Sell page to show it.
    But if you do an import your items will all be in the right categories … 🙂
    If your fed up with ridiculous Fee’s then it’s time to do something about it !
    We have a one click to facebook adds, Paypal , and lots of great features coming , We will be investing lots into promoting our sellers individual shops with lots going on over the next year.
    We know this is no easy task , but we have been around in business for over 30 years , so we are here for the long haul 🙂
    So to Help us to Help you !
    Find out More ….
    Just take the time to give me a call … that’s quick and easy to do !

  10. @Darren Swann , I thought I would remind Chris of his comments a while back everyone starts somewhere…
    Our own online selling activity is also taking a back seat and over the last 6 months I have concentrated on my offline business (we all need to eat), as what on earth is the point of doing the same thing over and over again, the big two are not suited to indy sellers anymore…scammers high fees and all the other muck that comes with those two…
    YES online selling can be fun but it also need to work for all parties, and most merchants simply want a level playing field, not something that happens on eBay or Amazon.
    I would not ignore selling Overseas however the UK is a race to the bottom and if what is currently happening out there goes the way it looks and even bigger race the bottom…

    Amazon have blindsided everyone, as I have said before getting that “message out” is what is key to “Joe public”, you will need to build a coop of online sellers and pull resources. Grabbing people’s very short attention spans these days is a tricky and expensive business.
    We will certainly get an account up and put some stock on and pass the word where we can…
    Plus I don’t care if your in Yorkshire it is close enough to Scotland…

  11. Forgot to mention If you sign up and your number is
    5000 you win a free Brand New kids 50cc Quad bike
    5050 you win a free Brand New kids 50cc Motor bike
    as we celebrate so many members Joining so quickly !

  12. Not usually a pedant, but the article is difficult to read with statements like “And fed up of being dictated to buy company’s that were not even based in the UK.”
    Surely it should read “fed up with being dictated to by companies” and not “of being dictated to buy company’s”?
    What on earth are “Fee’s”?

  13. Thats the Spirit Sam …
    Hi Laura , for the Buyer we have created trustePay , so the buyer pays but the seller doesn’t receive the money until the buyer confirms safe receipt of the item, So any Seller with the TrustePay logo is a good seller thats happy to send you the item in confidence and for you to receive the item first. So bad sellers selling unfit goods etc need bother …
    We decided we want better sellers etc …

  14. @Darren,

    I’m all for the enthusiasm and appreciate you spending time in your day answer queries directly on a site like this. My question however is this…

    What exactly is eBuyGumm’s USP?

    So far from what I’ve read, all I see is the usual call-to-action promise of all startup marketplaces which generally entails;

    – Free Listings
    – Zero or Lower Fees than eBay/Amazon
    – Exponential Growth claims with no evidence
    – And just generally “lots in the pipeline”

    Please don’t take this the wrong way, but my advice to any startup marketplace would be to simply cut the sh*t, this is business, we’re not trying to build a community of friends here, just give us something “ready” and “running”.

    Don’t tell us what’s in the pipeline, just tell us what’s working now, what products your customers are buying already, how many sales you generated last month, how many sales you generated the month before, speak in real terms, hard numbers with hard evidence and all-round take an entirely different approach to all that have come before you, and just maybe, you might get the traction you need.

  15. Great site and about time too. I have my shop there which I imported from ebay. In seconds. Would definitely recommend

  16. Hi do not understand how does one make money by having no fees are some charity it make no sense even Amazon till a few years never made a profit and now most of there money does not come from fees it comes from non-retail divisions – advertising and cloud-computing,Amazon Web Services,so they are not ripping any one of and many other like onbuy stared with 3 to 5 % then jumped to 9 % plus paypal fees and 19 pounds a month so unless you have huge amount of money and will only charge 3% for ever will it really work

  17. Darren. I think a great way to bring over eBay and Amazon sellers is to have some software like they have on Bonanza (in the USA) or eBid that transfers your large inventory in minutes. Anything with csv import puts me off straight away otherwise I’d join you instantly. Wish you all the luck….someone has to rival eBay and Amazon and hope it’s you.

  18. We will give you a call some time and would more than happy to try you out all i was saying it’s hard to see how anything can run well and not charge anything the saying is if you pay peanuts you get monkeys so i very much do hope for something besides amazon and ebay as the saying is do not but all your eggs in one basket so hopefully will speak some time and get the ball rollying and maybe this time something will come big
    good luck

  19. Have you planned anything in regard to Linnworks integration? This is the main requirement when we look at a different platform. It would need to flawlessly bind into our order management and fulfilment environment.

  20. @JOE They will be making some money if they get any buyers as they are skimming off money from the PayPal / Stripe fees, whilst saying how free it is.

  21. NOW is quite a good time to sign up as it looks like someone is going to win a
    Brand New 50cc Kids Quad and a
    Brand New Kids 50cc Motorbike this weekend !

  22. Its good to see someone trying to rid us sellers of the Chinese etc who are just flooding ebay.
    I do like the look of the site and would like to try it but honestly wont for one main reason STRIPE!

    Many people including many relations have had bad experiences with them EG very bad with customer service, often holding peoples accounts until they receive droves of info which they already had, not to mention they often hold money for a lot longer than intended sometimes up to 90 days, They have the often payment unauthorized by the cardholder.

    I’ve used paypal for years with little problems and so have most buyers in the UK and from what i can read in your T&S we have to use trustpay which is Stripe is this correct?

    If this is case for buyers also i cant see the site becoming popular

    If im wrong and we can just use our usual sellers way using paypal to receive payments straight away then great but if not you will sadly see many sellers and buyers not using the site

    Hopefully you can answer the question since i really want to see a UK sellers site grow

  23. Hi Lee
    Thanks for the comments , and yes you can use paypal to receive payments.
    We are also building a brand new checkout system that will be pretty awesome coming soon with many payment options.
    We are constantly working to bring you great new features 🙂
    If you need any help just drop me a line on facebook.
    Best Regards

  24. Hello Darren. Thanks for the reply, I’ll contact you on Facebook soon. As for the others on this thread…..we all moan about eBay and Amazon fees….so we all should all back this company to help get it off the ground. Let’s all help…which will in turn help our businesses. No fees…no brainer. Darren can’t do it by himself so needs good traders like us to help. And our feedback will be invaluable too. Just needs a bit of patience while the website builds momentum. Otherwise we are stuck moaning forever about eBay and Amazon when we’ve got the opportunity to do something about it. Come on….let’s all do it and see what happens! ?

  25. Darren, you’ve been brave enough to put the tin hat on and field comments on these boards, which says a lot about you.

    You’ve mentioned the protections for buyers, which had been queried here.

    How about protection for sellers?

    You say payment is not released until the buyer has indicated satisfactory receipt of the item, but how are sellers protected from potential scams?

    There are too many to list, but examples include the empty box scam, returning a dud item switched for the one received, fraudulent address scams, the list goes on.

    You also say no fees. But there have been many posts on these boards about this approach and it has failed every time.

    Would you not be better off having a commission based fee structure on sales, so you benefit when the sellers makes a sale and vice versa. It takes a lot to invest in a site like yours, so it would give sellers more confidence, e.g., to hear that you maybe go free for the first six months and will then charge a premium of x% on each sale.

    That would give us the confidence that this isn’t just another puff of smoke.

    Also what areas are you targeting? Is it retail / catalogue items, or are you interested in the collectables and non-catalogue areas as well? For example we have 100,000 plus items in collectables, but would only list on a site that is genuinely interested in these areas and has them properly categorised. Hence Onbuy is no good to us, for example.

    Genuinely wish you the best with this.

  26. Our problem having briefly surveyed this site (so we may have got this wrong) is simply that it does appear to have a comprehensive category classification in place where we can map all our products.
    Major categories we would expect to be present are simply not there (e.g. computing/networking/routers/etc) so where many products fit on this site?
    It seesm to shares this problem with OnBuy where you need to request a new category for products which we do not have the time to mess around with.
    Similarly uploading products is clearly a work in progress but hopefully some integration’s will appear soon.
    To be frank we remain sceptical since any new online marketplace has to have a clear USP (like etsy, notonthehighstreet, 1stdibs etc) and without that you will not get sufficient buyer eyeballs on the site when competing against eBay and Amazon.
    To get ‘views’ you have to pay and 3% fees do not look enough to pay for the brand advertising to get the scale of online visibility required for a generalist markeplace without a major brand name or presence as well.
    In the meantime we will monitor these guys and we do wish them well as any new competition or new ideas are welcome but to compete you need very deep pockets indeed (ebuy anyone?).

  27. You aren’t innovators though are you? You’ve basically copied eBay with the layout. The name sounds ridiculous like some bubble gum website.

  28. easy to get round the weight thing on the empty box
    just fill it with anything to the weight required ,
    whats to stop unscrupulous sellers saying it was an empty box when it was a legitimate return, thats going to pee of buyers, , buyers are your life blood, not sellers
    its all very well promising everything and anything to get the business , but it needs to be credible and realistic,
    ebay and amazon have learned the hard way
    t hat humans are not to be trusted either buyers or sellers

  29. Hi Jim ,
    Very true and hence the reason we will look in to each claim based on facts to see if this is a buyer or seller scam as we are aware it goes on both ways.
    This is were the buyer and seller feedback should be a mark of reliability … again , seller with great feedabck and a new buyer with none … we would be in favour of the seller with a history , Only facts can be recognised for us to make a decision as we have to make a decision of were the money sits.
    We will spot most and scammers will soon decide to stay away from ebuygumm.
    We can and will do our very best to police it and we are good at what we do, we are aware of many scams and at least now some one will listen !

  30. Guy!
    Give Darren Swann a break! I’ve never seen so much negativity, and scepticism!

    He deserves support, as he has identified a true gap in the market and he putting his money where his mouth his. Darren is clearly and Action Taker, so with respect, doesn’t deserve so much stick!

    I do digital marketing for a living and have attempted to launch so many sites and initiatives and I know all too well how difficult it and be and what a lonely space it can be at times, with 80% of people telling you to Close Shop, and only 20% giving you an ounce of support….. which is what I would hope UK residents should be helping him in doing so.

    It goes without saying that there is or maybe am element of commercials for Darren, so what, who cares. If he helps you, good on him and he deserves it. After all, to keep such a platform running, with so many products and users, some one somewhere has to pay for it.

    I respect people like Darren and wish I had such mentors available to me when launching projects/website concepts. Keep up the great work Darren!

    #SupporteBUYGumm !

  31. @Tyler My aim is to one day win you over lol 🙂
    We are free and cannot be any more free … well end up giving you money …lol
    We are very transparent, it isn’t eBUYgumm that make it so hard to work out what you will actually charged and then charge yo a month later so by the time you have your invoice you realise that you wouldn’t have sold your item for that price because you didnt get the fees structure. 🙂 We make it simple.
    Why Should Sellers Bother … because sustainability means looking ahead to the future and planning on a structure that will work, and at eBUYgumm you know you will be making more money a bit further down the road … so its very much worth bothering, as its your future !!
    We have so much going on it’s all built and geared around a better more sustainable future. We have MANY Great things happening and going to happen , buy Ajay is right we all need to get behind this to give the UK a better place to sell.
    We found out today we are the cheapest in the UK for certain bodybuild products as the seller has reduced his prices ! how great is that ! We are working with many 3rd parties companies like Linnworks so it’s just going to keep getting better … and better ! Ill be happy when we have you onboard , but don’t knock it till you’ve tried it as they say 🙂

  32. @Tyler i’m not sure who told you we take a cut of the payments as we dont ? We have no control over Paypal , Stripe or any Credit Card payment gateway.
    If a seller says Free P&P it is also Free as that’s what they offer so you have me a little confused on those points ?
    What Software do you use ? as we are talking to many not just Linnworks , we aim to integrate with everyone plus we are building atre own tool to manage across other sites , although in time we hope to be THE preferred UK Marketplace due to being the cheapest to buy on !
    Buyers will only come when items are on .. so those who are looking for that sustainable future are jumping on board..
    We have a list of functions to do and we are prioritising based on users requests.
    Its growing very fast and im sure well see jump on in time 🙂
    But of you want to help create a marketplace where you can make more money then you need to jump on and help …
    But if your happy with all the increasing fees we just may not be for you.
    regards Darren

  33. Ended up here in a roundabout way, was reading with interest until I got to the part where this is UK only. Well that and the sellers having to wait for their money part.

    Sorry but any platform that forces sellers to wait for their money in this fashion will never hit big. (I’m excluding Amazon in that consideration as it really is its own little world so no comparisons are valid)

    I understand fully what you stated was your reasoning behind this however firstly, someone like myself who has 30 very reputable years in business and 15 in Ecomm will never be happy being painted with the same brush as some walk in with 0 history, less knowledge, and the sad lack of moral fiber that unfortunately many of today’s “new” sellers seem to suffer from. 2nd, cash-flow is a big deal, fast turnover is a really big deal. What interest do I have in busting my balls to acquire hot product, flogging it out on the double-time and then sitting and waiting for my ROI. The concept of having to wait an additional 48 hours because buyers, who for the most part simply cannot be relied on to interact to speed the process( ebay feedback has proven this) is particularly loathsome given the known, shaky ground you’re standing on in this regard. There’s a reason why other platforms don’t work this way, because it doesn’t work.

    Protect buyers certainly, by quickly punishing bad sellers, not by catching up good sellers in your blanket punitive measures. Your methodology simply states loudly that you have no interest in tying up any of your capital to protect buyers but would rather inconvenience good sellers by tying up theirs. So in essence, crowing about any buyer protection policy is rather pointless because where is your investment in it? There isn’t any as you have put it all on sellers.

    Everyone is dying for a solid replacement for Ebay When someone eventually figures it out and gets it running it will be the proverbial better mousetrap and hopefully this will happen before Ebay becomes 100% non-viable for many sellers. This latest fiasco with forced use of GTC listings is almost the last straw for many. When Ebay steps in and starts punishing sellers’ metrics for early ending listings as the workaround to the forced GTC that will be it. Ebay will do this there is no doubt. They have stated quite clearly what they want and anyone that doesn’t tow the line will not be left to do things their own way and negatively impact whatever boon Ebay was expecting from the forced change to GTC.

    Anyway, best of luck with it. If you make it to North America, as a platform i can use, maybe we’ll talk again.


  34. @Darren Stripe’s fee is flat rate – 1.4% + 20p for European cards (which will be the bulk of your business at this early stage) and 2.9% + 20p for non-european cards. Ignoring the latter, there’s a 1.8% uplift being applied to Stripe’s European card processing fee.

    Whilst the listing fees etc are free, this is covered off in the 1.8% uplift on the payment processing fee.. Similarly, free postage isn’t ‘free’ – it costs the seller something to post (like it costs you to host and run your site) so it’s built into the seller’s selling price.

  35. @Thd You may be slightly missing the point , you can sell with Paypal under the normal terms so you CAN be paid immediately. TrustePay is to protect both buyer and seller… if a scam buyer for instance says they have not received the item and you have proof , you will be paid, if the seller says he sent an item thats GAN and is really poor the buyer can stop the payment and every case will be seen by a real uk human that makes the decision. So in turn we will scare scammers away as there will just be no point creating a better , safer marketplace , but thats down to seller to fly the trusted TrustePay logo as i know i would prefer to buy from it , but you do not have to.
    unfortunately the only reason the money is held for 7 days is down to stripe , but we have a new option for TrustePay where you will get your money as soon as the ok button is ticked. ( unless Stripe Change the payment way) So it really will be a fantastic way to pay !
    We are free and so is relisting items so your GTC just works for us.
    Sorry we are only uk but hey maybe well expand once its full working 🙂
    I think anyone against the eBUYgumm concept just doesn’t quite understand it … this has been built by online sellers for online sellers …
    With all the benefits and it being free , safer , easier, what more can anyone want !!
    Just get with it and get on it !
    All the best Darren

  36. @ant We really are clutching at straws now .. lol i know i’m in the Lions Den here …
    But we offer a Free Site …and a payment way that’s cheaper than paypal , and people still complain … WOW ! lol But keeping in mind you can offer Paypal too.
    We have no control over postage thats down to sellers , and they can offer free or charge but im sure they will build it into their price as that’s the way sellers do it but we have no control over what sellers do , BUT WE DO NOT TAX YOU ON POSTAGE AS OTHER SITES DO … WHEN YOU EVEN LOSE A PERCENTAGE OF YOUR POSTAGE.
    So you can see why i am totally shocked at some of the responses.
    But the Switched on sellers who can see the real benefits and a sustainable future are joining very quickly !
    Other Online Marketplaces = Increasing Fee’s POOR FUTURE
    eBUYgumm Free = Great Sustainable Future !

  37. @Darren thank you for your reply but I think there’s a little confusion here. I’m not complaining just highlighting that your claim in response to another reader’s comment doesn’t appear to be strictly true:

    You said: “@Tyler i’m not sure who told you we take a cut of the payments as we dont ?”

    However there is a 1.8% uplift on the Stripe’s 1.4% so you are taking a cut of the payment are you not?

    The rest was just an analogy to the perception of ‘free’ postage but in this case your fee is built into the uplift on Stripe’s fee.

    Don’t get me wrong, a 1.8% fee on a third party marketplace is fantastic and the best of luck to you!

  38. @Tyler LOL very very loud !!
    I Had my reservations that you were either a competitor or Maybe work for but now im convinced and as you stooped so low to be rude …
    Google vs Who ? er Alexa great comparison !! lol never heard of them.
    Trustepay is protection for both parties as it protects from scam buyers to. If you need help to understand it im more than welcome to explain again and please are you implying there are market places without dishonest buyers / sellers ? as we are working to be rid of them, I never get upset but when an obvious competitor tries to hide behind their comments it makes me laugh,, not upset.
    We are totally transparent about our fees … and have always stated this ! 🙂
    It will be FREE for individuals for ever ! How about that for a statement !!
    We will only charge business sellers when its if fully up and running and it will only be 3% ! How about that for a sustainable Future for sellers !
    3% = Immensely cheaper than everywhere else ! = The best sustainable future for online sellers !
    Trustepay = a safer environment for Buyer & Sellers
    Google Analytics = growing like crazy !
    eBUYgumm = Very happy with the growth and feedback from new sellers.
    The Trumpet is in full flow and deserves to be ! 6 Months and way ahead of the plan:)
    Stop being such a hater … how can you dislike something thats free ! lol Some people !
    Stop being such a hater … and so obvious ..
    Now you worry about your own , like i said you don’t have to join 🙂

  39. It gives us great pleasure to announce ….
    eBUYgumm are now Officially the Cheapest place to buy Grenade Bodybuilding Products already !!
    Due to no fees our sellers are reducing their prices !
    Could this make eBUYgumm ….the Cheapest place to buy online !!
    If your not on already , its time to sign up !
    “Online Selling can be Fun !”

  40. @jim you can leave your price and make more money !
    You can knock 5-10% off your normal price and still make more money !
    The choice is yours …
    Either way you still make more money ! 🙂
    Business is about making more money .
    It’s no pont achieving the highest price and taking huge fees off it.
    Simple Business Basics ! 🙂

  41. @Tyler – you said you list your products on multiple platforms which is great. May I ask what you use which would be an alternative to Linnworks, for multi channel marketing. My site is being built in Shopify.

  42. have you thought about royal mail click and drop integration ? all our ebay/amazon/woocomm sales go through C&D – – implementing another stand alone channel order processing wouldn’t be attractive

  43. @Perry Hi Perry we are in talks with lots of third parties now and Royal Mail ,DPD etc are all part of up and coming changes.
    We are also developing our own stock control between multi marketplaces and websites and i believe stage 1 isn’t to far away !
    We have some big things to announce in the coming weeks as the platform is just getting better and better !
    We are also in test mode with our Voucher promo’s where we are giving away Thousand’s of pounds in Vouchers to be be spent only in our shops bringing new buyers to your door 🙂
    We are working hard to bring you all the tools you need 🙂

  44. @Tyler .. Unfortunately your negative comments and attitude bring me to defend us of course so it has got long. I have had a PM stating i should not lower myself and i quite agree.. Im here to be helpful…so ill leave it here 🙂
    But ill leave you with this !!!!!!!

    £9.99 eBUYgumm LOL Doll
    £43.33 onbuy LOL Doll (same doll)

    eBUYgumm = 333.734% Cheaper than onbuy.

    £14.73 Grenade Thermo Detonator
    £22.68 Grenade Thermo Detonator ( Same one )

    eBUYgumm = 53.971% Cheaper than onbuy.

    So we really are becoming the Cheapest Place to buy Online !

    Watch this space 🙂

  45. @Alan Paterson.. Hmm he certainly sounds like one .
    We are offering a site with a vision to reduce scammers protecting both buyer and seller , Creating a better Marketplace… in turn bringing more buyers to market.
    WE are FREE for non business sellers for ever in turn bringing more buyers to market place…
    We are offering a NEW TrustePay a safer way for buyers to buy and a great way for trusted Sellers to be a TRUSTED Seller. as i know who id buy off !
    We are offering it Free for businesses with a fee of only 3% when we do eventually charge which could be a year or 2 away so sellers can make a lot of money in between
    With no Fees Sellers can still reduce their prices and STILL make MORE money and it still makes eBUYgumm the cheapest place for buyers making eBUYgumm an amazing viable proposition for both buyer and seller … ( Most sellers get this but a limited few either don’t get it … or dont want too)
    We don’t allow Chinese sellers so anyone that imports can compete against china again as China have to pay ebay and Amazon fees… ( and china sellers are banging our door to get on ! ) and we are turning them away.
    So eBUYgumm = a very good sustainable future and if anyone moans about all the above BENEFITS… they are either very bad at business or generally a competitor.
    90% of people who get it are loving it and understand that we need sellers help us to get it there quicker so everyone can enjoy the benefits .
    So whilst becoming the Cheapest place for buyers to buy from , Sellers will still make more money and lets not forget you don’t have to reduce your prices as you can simply hold your price and just make EVEN more money ! & we are still going to have minimal scams.
    The concept is Fabulous so of course im gonna Blow our Trumpet because its great and growing very quick … but so it should as its a no brainer really !
    All we offer are benefits to buyers & sellers.
    But as humans we are very resisting to change … and to slate it over traffic at only 6 months old is a bit silly really and clutching at straws .. it’s pretty obvious its growing and will not be the scale of eBays and Amazons yet , but if sellers want a better place to sell where they can make more money with a sustainable future then they need to get involved and help … lets face it , it’s the easiest job in the world to pick at faults and be negative ( no skills there, anyone can do that )
    Its very quick to list all your items and we offer the help so no spending months on our site either 🙂
    What im looking for is the positive people with “it would be great if it could do this ” or that etc …
    But hey its no drama as we are growing far quicker than expected with 90% of people loving the concept an really getting behind us 🙂 & we have some big features brewing to be launched very soon …
    With some cool integrations and partnerships keep em peeled !
    Happy Selling !
    “eBUYgumm online selling can be Fun”
    Were Making our Marketplace your Sustainable Future !

  46. @ Darren, and please dont be so patronising. perhaps thats why people are getting their “back up” from your posts.

    ebay is generally hated on here so what you are doing should not be a hard sell. you are going about it the wrong way.

    I see that your intentions are good but I have seldom read a more patronising post.

    Anyway, im off to worship my ebay shrine now. it is Sunday after all.

  47. @ Darren, however, if you want to list all of my items on your platform so I dont need to spend time on a project that I dont believe I would get a return on I would be happy with that.

    And happy for you to prove me wrong (I am never wrong except that time in 1973 at nursery but I was only 3 years old- but I was wrong nonetheless but not since)

  48. it worrying the senior management of this site can spend so much time and effort
    arguing the toss with the tamebay awkward squad

  49. As with any promise to protect buyers from scammers, scammers always find a way around this.
    Cards used to require a signature, so scammers would steal a card and copy the signature. Chip and pin was invented, scammers came along with a device to copy pin numbers and card numbers. Whatever the goal post are put scammers will find away to reach them.

    What sellers want is buyers buying their products and it to be safe.

    Is ebygumm safe, guess time will tell, do they have many buyers currently. It does not seem to be the case.

  50. ebay already give the best protection you could expect. I don’t see any other platform improving on that or being able to afford to improve on that.


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