Today marks the Tamebay Live Day 3 and we’re focusing on brands.
If you are a brand selling on marketplaces then this is the day for your. Somewhat surprisingly, if you are a brand not selling on marketplaces then this is also a day for your – it’s highly likely that your products are being offered on marketplaces and today at Tamebay Live you’ll discover whole suites of tools to protect your brand reputation on marketplaces and ensure your products are presented in a manner fitting with your brand.
There are also sessions today designed for merchants creating and building their own private label brands and we’ve a host of top speakers across the industry to guide you through what you need to know.
Tamebay Live Day 3 is also the day you’ll get to hear from Tamebay Live title sponsor eBay and their new Coded Coupons product to promote your brand and products. Meet two marketplaces, Wish and StockX who will let you know how your brand can sell on their platforms, learn about balancing your D2C and Retail channels with ChannelAdvisor, and dive into Brand protection and other crucial reasons to consider Amazon within your channel mix with Pattern.
Our cohost for the day will be ecommotors who will open the day asking the question “Are you in control of your brand on marketplaces?”.
Finally, don’t miss the Amazon Seller Trivia with GETIDA – an opportunity not only to learn, but someone attending this session live will win $500!
If you’re wondering who is in the picture above, that’s the team from detected, he global mark of trust for ecommerce, watching Tamebay Live yesterday – if you’ve got a picture of your team watching the event then send them in and we’ll be happy to share them and give you a shout out.