Feb 22 eBay Seller Release

No primary category set

The Feb 22 eBay seller release has been published today and as always you’ll want to take time to read through the changes and how they may impact your business.

In good news, there are some updates to fees and many will be pleased with the news on the low-cost item offer update becoming available indefinitely. Plus some tweaks to fees on refunds which are in your favour.

Unpaid items are a real nuisance and eBay are taking further steps to reduce unpaid items with the scope extending to offers.

For sellers that have used Selling Manager Pro, you’ll know the great features on offer and these will now become free in Seller Hub for all sellers.

Promoted Listings updates include a new Campaign Dashboard for Promoted Listings Standard. For Promoted Listings Express, the advertising tool for auction-style listings is expanding to desktop. With Promoted Listings Advanced (Beta), your listings will now show up for relevant buyers more frequently with the introduction of ‘broad match’. This will be a real boost for those that want to use it.

For communication with sellers there is a new messaging experience coming to the mobile app to make selling easier when buyers have a question.

This seller release is all about helping you sell more successfully, so it’s no surprise to see eBay Academy being highlighted – a great learning resource for experienced and new sellers to eBay alike.

Finally, keep an eye out for category changes and updates on any of the international sites you sell on.

4 Responses

  1. More category changes then. The gift that just keeps on giving.
    eBay “everybody’s everything “. Unless your a seller of course. Then your just nothing.

  2. The low cost item fee offer is not available to all sellers of low cost items and will not be in the future. So those lucky to have received the offer in June 2021 will keep the advantage while the others will still suffer, competing with much higher fees, selling the same type of products. As a result I have cancelled all my low value items today. Shame as those items were in the top 5 items in my categories, often before promoted listed.
    A very bad move by ebay as now, after most sellers left in this categories when managed payments were forced on us, only unreputable sellers with low quality products are left. That will not help driving traffic to the site.
    Also 70% of my page views are from external sites, so I was driving traffic to ebay. No more, I am not a fool!
    Ebay have done nothing to replace the micro payment fee structure that Paypal provided although they promised they would when I was moved onto managed payments.
    My sales in January were a quarter of what they were in January 2021 and half of what they were in January 2020.

  3. Was hoping ebay would maybe update the farce of a return system that creates more issues than it solves.
    Guess it is more important to change things like, when you send a customer a message you now get a green bar at the top to say been sent than change actual issues on the site.
    Or get rid of the metrics system that ebay enjoy punishing sellers with or you have to waste so much time as a small business appealing to get defects taken off to save further punishments from ebay. Shame ebay don’t have the same high standards they expect of sellers when it comes to their own customer service with mistake after mistake with returns and cases.

  4. It’s obviously a help to some sellers to see some reduction in fees, no doubt in recognition of the exodus of sellers since Managed Payments and the disastrous axing of most sub-categories last October.

    But if Ebay really is listening to buyers and sellers, they need to get rid of the useless item specifics and either make them relevant or go back to categories.

    Just had 2,000 items suddenly “require” item specifics. Apparently I now need to add “featured person” to all my listings. This is not relevant for any of them as there is no featured person. Just one example of the utter stupidity of Ebay’s current management. They do not have a clue about what they are doing and Ebay’s slump won’t end until they’re gone.


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