Easier sniping comes to eBay with "Faster Refresh"

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Coming next week to auctions on eBay will be the ability to refresh just the top part of the auction page so that you can watch the bids in those vital last few minutes of an auction when it counts most. This will save the whole page reloading and be a great new utility for all you manual snipers out there! Somehow using sniping software (and incidentally giving your eBay user name and password to a third party!) just isn’t the same.

At the same time the watch this item link will be added as a button in the centre of the page for greater visibility.

A great couple of new features, along with more promotion of mobile eBaying which is rolling out across Europe

3 Responses

  1. I’m waiting for the day when eBay release their own sniping software (my prediction is, it’ll be pay-for).

    You read it here first. Unless I’m wrong 😀

  2. Me too!

    I wouldn’t mind paying if I won though…

    But I would guess that would muddy the water big time.

    Mark CQC

  3. Muddy the water, as in they would be encouraging timed bids when they would prefer staggered bids no doubt…

    Mark CQC



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