eBay UK have a cheap listing day next Wednesday. The terms are these: offer free P&P to UK buyers, and your insertion fee is reduced to 5p, and you get Gallery free of charge. Frankly, I have never seen a CLD made to look so complicated, with instructions on how to offer free postage, a seperate FAQs page and terms and conditions that duplicate a lot of information from the other pages. Maybe they hope we won’t bother reading them and won’t qualify for the discount after all?
Certainly it isn’t going to be a popular CLD with sellers: offering free postage means we have to add shipping costs on to the item price… upon which FVFs are charged, meaning increased revenue for eBay. Seems this listing day isn’t going to be so cheap after all.
2 Responses
Oh, just one more thing: this CLD is on a Wednesday. *Traditionally* UK CLDs are on Thursdays except when that might lead it to clash with one on another site… so it might be worth preparing for a CLD on maybe .com or .ie the following day – just in case!
You are not kidding about the Terms of this UK Free postage listing day. Turbo lister when seting up for this listing in the insurance issue does not work. sounds like you will have to list each listing individually at the stie on that day.
or will turbo list qualify? I can not get a straight answer out of ebay.
I have tired all day. maybe some can answer the question.
promtion says to: In the Insurance section: sellers must not require insurance and the cost of insurance must be set to zero. when you put into the trubo lister form INSURANCE NOT OFFIER THERE IS NO WAY TO PUT THE ZERO in the field the form does not allow you to put in the zeros.
Promtion reads:
In the domestic postage section: sellers must select the ‘Flat: same cost to all buyers’.
In the Postal Service section: sellers must select any postal service apart from the ‘collection in person’ option and must also enter ‘0’ into the first ‘£’ field. A “Free postage” tick box may appear when the new SYI form is used, ticking the box automatically sets the first postage option to zero. Please note: if the seller selects the first hyphen postal service option (i.e. ‘-‘), the seller must indicate in their listing what postal service they will offer the buyer. Remember that this cannot be ‘collection in person’.
In the Insurance section: sellers must not require insurance and the cost of insurance must be set to zero.
Post-to-location: sellers must select the: ‘Will post to UK…’ option and need to ensure that they have not selected the: ‘Will not post – local pick-up only’ option.
Turbo Lister
In addition to the SYI requirements (outlined above) applicable to Turbo Lister please also ensure:
You enter the value of £0.00 into the UK postage field which will appear as the first postage option in the listing page.
If you do not select a value for UK postage you will receive an error message. If any value other than £0.00 is entered into the UK postage cost field the item you list will not be eligible for this promotion.
This is applicable for all versions of Turbo Lister.