New dynamic galleries for eBay shops

No primary category set

eBay have upgraded the promotion boxes in eBay shops with a scrolling gallery option. This is similar to the popular Vendio and Auctiva galleries which many sellers include in their auctions.

The gallery is category sensitive so it can automatically select items to show from the shop category the buyer is viewing. Of course you need to select the gallery option in your listings to make use of this feature, a category with auction without gallery simply removes the promotion box entirely.

Scrolling Gallery

Another new option is an animated countdown timer for promotion boxes. This borrows technology from eBay DealFinder and displays a clock ticking away the seconds until an auction ends. Again you can instruct it to select items from the category you’re viewing, or indeed from a specific category you want to promote.

Gallery count down

This is one of the best new features I’ve seen in eBay shops for a long time – it’ll be interesting to see how it affects sales! The only thing that would make it better is an option to automatically include the promotion boxes in your auctions! If you want to see the new promotion boxes in action click the pictures above to visit either Sue’s or my eBay shop.

One Response

  1. Mind you – it would have been better if the new promotion boxes were the same height in pixels as the original ones 🙁



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