Skype have just announced the appointment of Scott Durchslag as Chief Operating Officer reporting directly to Josh Silverman. Durchslag left Motorola as their Corporate Vice-President of Global Product & Experience Invention and previously Motorola’s General Manager of South Asia.
In his press statement Duschslag tells how he believes in Skype having used it from the start but then goes on to tell how Skype can save the world by “enabling smaller businesses to grow without the unnecessary fuel consumption, costs and carbon pollution generated by needless travel”. A little overstated perhaps, but it can’t be denied that Skype is a cost effective convenient means of communication and he says it’s a “privilege to join the Skype team and help to build a great company”.
4 Responses
Is it overstated? I’m not entirely sure. Skype is truly amazing. ;o)
I’m sure the free minutes on my mobile have just as many green credentials as Skype 😉
But you’re right – it’s an incredible business and has succeeded where AOL, MSN, ICQ, Yahoo et al failed 🙂
Except when you get cut off mid call … but then that’s my rubbish puter. Chris I need to throw money at you again very soon 😛
I don’t think you can ever overstate the amazingness of Skype. It’s saving me probably €200 a month on phone bills, not to mention being a very cool desktop app for IM and Twitter. Not everyone can get mental free minutes deals; not everyone even has mobile phone coverage in their house remember :-p And if you don’t want to take my word for it, speak to my 5 year old nephew who cries if he is made to email instead of making video Skype calls 😆