Free listings all weekend if you donate to charity

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eBay are holding a free listing weekend for auctions from private sellers to encourage donations to charity. If you sign up to donate a percentage of the final selling price to charity they’ll waive insertion fees regardless of the start price of your auction.

The promotion is for Saturday 3rd – Sunday 4th July, and is only open to UK residents who are registered as private sellers. Full details are on the on eBay.

8 Responses

  1. It would mean an awful lot more if eBay donated their final value fees to charity as well as waiving listing fees. This could turn out to be a bit of a PR disaster for eBay!

  2. I was really excited about this at first as I have a load of furniture to sell – then did the maths! I will lose a lot more money giving 10% of my final price to charity then paying for the listing fee

  3. Yet another in a long line of recent e-bay disasters! Whoever is responsible for the promotions and the so called ‘fair’ policies should maybe do some research and find out how many problems they are encouraging and how many sellers they are losing. How out of touch with a previously workable auction site can you get? Still I’m sure they don’t care. What idiots.

  4. I have just looked at Auction items listed in my usual category in the last 24 hours by UK based non business sellers.

    Around 25% of (sensibly) eligible items (ie at £1+ start price) have been made using the charity free listing offer.

    Sample size was 500 listings at £1+ start price made within the last 24 hours.


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