From next Monday (12th September) eBay will begin deleting messages older than six months from your eBay My Messages. They will also reduce the length of time that messages are stored from a year to just six months.
The reasons for this is that they’re going to be upgrading My Messages and not only will it make the message console run faster but will introduce new features such as enhanced search functionality and a new auto-archive function for easy email organization.
If you want to save messages older than six months you’ll need to forward the messages to your own email client, or save the messages to your computer.
Quite frankly I don’t think I’ve ever referred to messages more than a couple of months old – certainly you can’t reply to messages after about 90 days. However if you do need to access your message history for longer than six months you’ve got just over a week to save them for the future.
3 Responses
I think that is a good idea…if u want to keep a mail, u can always just print screen and keep the mail…thanks for the posts
The real reason is eBay is sending so many messages that storage is getting too expensive. Not to mention eBay now more actively prevents buyers and sellers communicating via email outside of eBay. This is a MAJOR gripe for the traditional collectables/used/private market who need better quality images than those heavily compressed and pricey offered by eBay in order to make buying decisions.
But eBay wants to be Amazon anyway and lose the fleamarket image, who needs questions or better pictures when there is an SKU and stock image? No doubt eBay are working on ‘enhanced’ algorithms to further control how people communicate with each other.
Well perhaps they could stop all this fiddling around while Rome burns and actually fix the existing email system for a start.
We are losing count of the bounced emails to our customers we are getting under the ludicrous ‘revise and resend’ banner recently.
You get the following pearl of nonsense starting…’To protect our members, eBay doesn’t allow certain types of content in member-to-member emails. Because of security concerns with the content of your email, we didn’t send your recent message to..’ and then more gobblegook about policies that explain nothing.
We suspect it is because we are having the temerity to attach pdf files with VAT invoices to our customers which is clearly not an example of customer service that Hoe Central want to encourage these days.
By the way please note that according to eBay Customer Service you don’t as a seller have ‘customers’ anymore only ‘trading partners’.
Seriously what planet are these clowns on?
Oh I forgot it’s called Amazon Lite!
pip pip