eBay and Google bring you the eBay Shopping Assistant

No primary category set

Here are some more details about how you can “Ask eBay” via the the eBay Shopping Assistant developed with Google.

It’s all a part of eBay ongoing investment and enthusiasm for AI (artificial intelligence) but many of us have not been entirely clear by exactly what they mean there. You can read all about it here on the blog.

Jay Vasudevan is the lead product manager for eBay and he says regarding these developments: “We can begin to harness the power of human intent, enabling us to create a radically better and more personalized shopping experience for everyone. Using AI, we are able to create a truly personalized shopping experience inspired by the service you’d expect in a traditional retail setting.”

“By combining eBay’s breadth of inventory and unique selection, the eBay Shopping Assistant can create a shopping experience for virtually everyone. This is the inspiration behind some of the exciting work we are doing at the intersection of artificial intelligence, cloud computing and a new commerce service that’s available wherever shoppers are.”

The problem regarding AI and VR and AR and all these fancy new technologies is that it is often hard to see and understand how they impact on the realities of every day selling activities. This new experiment and idea does finally shed some light on what the future might look like.

Do you like what you see?

5 Responses

  1. Not impressed even a tiny bit. not a morsel.

    In what situation would i want to take a primarily visual experience, and then turn it into a blind man fumbling in the dark experience?

    even the examples in that article are absolute tripe.
    “find me a bag”
    ” you want a big bag? a blue bag? a shoe bag? a who bag? a bin bag? ”
    “forget it”.

    I mean, before artificial stupidity came along, we already original human stupidity.

    but when’s the last time you were stupid enough to walk into a store that had items on display, and completely ignored them all, instead walking up to an assistant and saying
    “find me a bag”.
    eventually insisting they charge your account and pack it up for you.
    the whole time refusing to look at it, until you get home and find it’s exactly what you didn’t want?

    that kind of sheer moronic ineptitude deserves nothing but contempt, not a round of applause.

    advertising standards should be all over ebay using the word “intelligence” against all prior definitions of the word. artificial stupidity is what they do.

    why aren’t ebay focusing all their resources turning music into a smell? cos it’s equally as stupid.

  2. This is the future, you either go with it or you don’t – simples. eBay doing anything with Google can only be good for eBay businesses.

    Nobody likes change as it makes them feel uncomfortable. I think it’s cool 🙂

    Adapt or die …

  3. “why aren’t ebay focusing all their resources turning music into a smell? ”

    some farts are quite melodic !

  4. I wish they’d put that effort into just fixing their website and bring it out of the naughties…..


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