eBay has announced that there will be changes to the prices they charge for postal services they offer. In particular, eBay owned Shutl will be increasing its tariff. There’s a stack of detail and changes coming so it’s worth taking a moment to digest the changes.
In a news bulletin called “Announcement for sellers using eBay delivery powered by Shutl” that you can find here, eBay says:
In order to continue to bring you the best services and developments from eBay delivery powered by Shutl, we will be increasing our label rates for sellers across a number of delivery service categories and weight bands, starting on 4 January 2019. This is an annual rate increase to allow us to continue developing and improving eBay delivery service for our customers.
The price change affects both private and business sellers using eBay delivery. Most of our rates are still cheaper than buying postage direct from carrier. Plus as an eBay delivery service customer, you’ll benefit from higher standard compensation, and the option to purchase enhanced compensation up to £1,000 for any carrier to cover the more expensive items that you sell, in case of loss or damage in transit.
– eBay announcement
The changes will come into force in 2019 so you won’t be paying more in the run-up to Christmas. But any fee increase is a blow for margins, especially if you incorporate the P&P in your sale price.
4 Responses
Wenig confirmed to the markets there wouldn’t be any significant sales growth on Ebay in future, due to his failed gobbledespeak initiatives.
So watch out for stealth fee increases to keep those shareholders happy.
This is one of them right now.
Wonder what else they will hike in 2019.
Shutl were due to start offering international postal rates…….will that plan ever happen?
I usually buy postage via Interparcel for anything over 2kg in the UK and especially for overseas when over 2kg.
Shutl is currently very competitive at all weights in the domestic UK market……..it will be a shame if they price themselves out
parcel2go will think this a smashing christmas present