New PayPal programme PayPal One Touch Seller Signup is designed to help merchants choose “trustworthy” trading platform as they aim to support their multichannel selling.
The marketplace announced in their fourth-quarterly results conference call this Wednesday the launch of the programme that would facilitate sellers’ trading on multiple platforms.
The scheme allows merchants to sell on places that fit within their product offering whether it is a social media such as Facebook or marketplaces such as eBay. This suggests that merchants will get more sale opportunities as they reach more customers via multiple platforms.
“With PayPal One Touch Seller Signup, as merchants are discovering more and more new platforms out there, one of the most difficult things for that small business is the sign-up and vetting process. The marketplace has to figure out, is that business trustworthy or not, are they fraudulent? We’re able to alleviate those pain points – not only for the seller to sign up but also for the marketplace to know they’re bringing on a trustworthy seller on to their platform.”
– Bill Ready, COO, PayPal