eBay Money Back Guarantee requiring signature confirmation

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eBay have notified sellers of changes to the eBay Money Back Guarantee which will be requiring signature confirmation on delivery from sellers more frequently. They will also update the policy to take into account eBay Managed Payments. These changes kick in on the 19th of July 2020.

The change which will impact you most is lowering the £750 threshold at which you are required to send items requiring signature confirmation down to £450. If you fail to specify a delivery requiring signature and the item goes missing then you will automatically lose the case and the money your buyer paid.

Many sellers might look at this and try to figure out what type of seller is mad enough to send items of £450, let alone £750 without requiring signature confirmation, but with the advent of tracked and scanned at the doorstep offerings it’s increasingly common to rely on a scan as delivery confirmation. Why bother lowering the instances of 1st time successful delivery by insisting upon a signature when carriers have inflight notifications and will use a photo of the item delivered to a safe place as proof of delivery? Even for relatively expensive items it’s getting rarer for buyers to actually have to sign for their items.

Don’t forget, it’s not the item value that will be requiring signature confirmation but the order value – if you routinely ship £100 items tracked and scanned at the doorstep without issues, if someone purchases five items that will now take it over the £450 threshold. Make sure that your multichannel management software (or your manual processes) capture orders on eBay valued over £450 and automatically switch the delivery to requiring a signature whether it be via a mail carrier or a courier.

(We’re not sure how signature confirmation requirements go down in a socially distanced Coronavirus world, but confidently expect that whatever measures carriers put in place in lieu of physical signatures would be accepted by eBay)

Other changes coming to the policy will be wording to update from PayPal only to include eBay Managed Payments. eBay will also update the list of sites where the eBay Money Back Guarantee or similar policies may apply.

2 Responses

  1. Are ebay delibarately taking bribs to ruin the website and bussinesses of millions so sellers or buyers go elsewhere.
    Reackon bussiness sellers should try and batch sue them.
    Its not the law to offer such, nor is it to pay them for there new money back garuntee return label, but with the website getting flthy greedy i guess if they charge sellers for returns so they get paid either way for your buissness stock to get ruined.
    This is unfair trading from the website and personally ive started switching to Etsy or anywhere else to sell, Basically as a small trader if bootsales come back id rather any other option than ebay.
    Specifically on signing, Really in lockdown, with Covid-19 te post aren’t signing.
    They make me sick.

    ****Edited by admin to remove gratuitous insults****

  2. also if an item s returned during covid-19,(because of no sihnature) it would have to be quarantined, so there response to covid 19 is basically lets encorauge buyers to ship deseased items back to sellers and make money off the sellers paying for it.


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