Time to Log into Tamebay Live (Check email for details)

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It’s Monday the 17th of May and we’re delighted to welcome you to Tamebay Live. Get registered and log into Tamebay Live and keep it open in your browser so that you don’t miss out.

Why not join us at the end of the day in the networking area for a well deserved drink at the end of the day?

Registrations and log into Tamebay Live

If you’ve not yet registered for Tamebay Live you can REGISTER HERE immediately.

Once you have registered, check your email for details from [email protected] to ensure that you receive platform updates and log in details (Check you spam folder if your email hasn’t arrived).

To login to the platform, follow this link – use the email address that you registered with and password that was emailed to you.

As a delegate, please login to the Totem platform using the left hand box (It’s my first time here) on the Totem registration page.

Build your badge

Plan your day

Please take time to review the full agenda before the event which can be viewed here.

Maximise your digital experience via our virtual networking tools and live interactivity features.

One-on-One Virtual Networking

In My Event click on My Profile add a picture, biography and your professional social media accounts, as well as updating your password. Choose the Helix tags that most represent / suit your interests.

Via the Attendees tab view contact suggestions, search for other participants to exchange messages with, and set up meetings and video calls on the platform.

Get to know our Presenting Partners on the Partner tab, you can click on the logos to learn more about each of the presenting partners:
eBay, Avalara, Cdiscount, ChannelAdvisor, ChannelEngine, eCommeleon, ecommotors powered by E-Motive and Volo, eDesk, GETIDA, GFS, Huboo, Hurricane, Intentwise, Linnworks, Olsam, Ordoro, Optiseller, Parcelhub, Pattern, plentysystems, SellersFunding, ShipStation, StockX, The Supplier Central, TrueCommerce, VTEX and Wish

You can request a business meeting, send a message, and add the representative to your list of contacts.

Visit the digital showcases to meet with the presenting partner’s representatives, view the content on display, including reports and videos, which can be added to your delegate bag ready for download at a later date.

Spontaneous networking in our Networking Rooms

Join our open Networking Coffee tables via The Hub tab at any time throughout the event.

Join our presenting partners in their showcases before & after the sessions.

Masterclasses, Workshops and Panel discussions

All sessions will appear on the Agenda menu tab.

Keep an eye on the Coloured announcement banners – which will alert you to the start of sessions.

Tamabay Live Help

If you have any questions in advance of the event, there is a support helpline on the Totem Registration page. During the event a Help Desk will be available to assist with any queries you may have. There will also be a staff office, found within the Networking Hub, where you can meet with the Tamebay Live team for any advice or assistance.

The sessions will be recorded and will be available on demand post-event. We will send you the login to access these recordings after the event as soon as it is available.



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