Outlet logos appear in search suggestions

No primary category set

Outlets have got another promotion slot on eBay – the search suggestion box which drops down with auto-complete suggestions. If you start typing (most!) eBay Outlet’s brand names the suggestions box now carries the relevant Outlet’s logo as an option.

Doubtless eBay see this as a good move, as the logo’s should increase buyer confidence seeing major high street brands on eBay. However sellers are likely to be less pleased, especially if they also sell the brand’s products.

The Outlets appear to be selling a large amount of merchandise on eBay, and yet the Fashion Outlet as a whole is still way understocked. It doesn’t help that many Outlets have yet to get to grips with eBay Item Specifics so as soon as you drill down in search their products aren’t displayed. Even worse some categories have few items to start with and some (e.g. Mens Formal Shirts) have nothing available to buy.

eBay are gradually stepping up promotion of the Outlets, but before they go too much further they need the existing Outlets to list correctly and both existing and new Outlets to increase the selection available for buyers. There’s little point driving traffic to a microsite which is understocked with minimal choice.

8 Responses

  1. This is really going to hurt Clothing sellers. What’s the point of independent retailers attaining TRS status for eBay to stop Buyers even seeing their offerings.

    “they need the existing Outlets to list correctly and both existing and new Outlets to increase the selection available for buyers.”

    If this doesn’t happen they run the risk of putting off buyers, not encouraging them to return…

  2. The “suggestion box” also can bring up popular products. I typed “can” and suggestions for two different cameras came up (with mini image).

  3. Its outrageous! They are killing the smaller sellers for the big branded ones! At the end of the day, all Ebay is going to be is an online high street, and you wont find quirky different things!!

  4. Can’t imagine this is good news if you’re trying to compete with these Outlets.

  5. If eBay don’t watch it, its going to be near impossible for non-branded sellers to start up on eBay.

    The non-branded or own branded sellers are eBay’s wage payers.



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