eBay tripled mobile sales in 2010

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Mobile commerce is changing the way that people shop on eBay with sales of $2 billion in 2010 – up from $600m in 2009. eBay’s mobile apps were downloaded more than 30 million times in 8 languages and over 190 countries.

Some stats from 2010 are:
• The UK has been the fastest adopter of mcommerce , with more Brits shopping through the eBay app than anywhere else in Europe
• An item purchased on average every two seconds through the eBay buyer app in the UK
• 13 pieces of clothing, pairs of shoes and accessories are sold every minute through eBay’s mobile apps worldwide
• 94 bids made every minute via eBay’s mobile apps worldwide

Germany and the UK combined generated nearly one-third of all eBay’s mobile sales in 2010, despite the UK’s relative size as a market. Alongside Australia, the UK is the fastest growing international mobile market.

15 million people downloaded eBay’s iPhone app which continues to lead the way in mobile shopping on eBay. This is an astounding growth rate considering that the sales have been generated through a platform that didn’t exist a couple of years ago, and on devices that didn’t exist three years ago. More than 35% of iPad owners have downloaded the eBay app for the iPad.

I have to admit I’m bemused by the whole mcommerce field, I still find a mobile app alien, but to balance the field the other half of TameBay, Sue loves the Android app.

Do you use one of the eBay mobile apps either for buying or for selling? What do you like about it and what do you wish the apps could do that’s not a currently available feature?

One Response

  1. All great in that sellers are likely to be getting more sales, but the fact the mobile app for Ebay UK is asking buyers to rate on ‘Delivery Time’ instead of ‘Dispatch’ has seen many great sellers go from TRS to average or below standard. To top it all, Ebay admit there is a problem but cannot (will not) do anything till Feb!



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