Free listing at any start price for Private Sellers

No primary category set

There’s another free listing weekend for Private Sellers on the 19th and 20th March. Private sellers already get 100 free 99p start auction listings per month, but this weekend they can list at any start price for free.

As with other recent promotions Business and PowerSellers are excluded as is the use of tools such as TurboLister or Selling Manager Pro. To qualify you’ll also need to meet the minimum seller performance standards.

One Response

  1. The problem with listing at these times is that your items are among a glut of others all ending together the following week-end.
    The people most keen to take up these offers are occasional sellers whose listings are more likely to suffer from bad photos, lack of description, no sizes or measurements.
    Your sell through rate suffers because buyers just don’t see or can’t find your quality listings in among the huge volumes of dross.
    Those large volumes of poor quality listings then put potential buyers off looking on Ebay at all.
    So the whole thing is almost a self defeating exercise for regular private sellers like me and ultimately for Ebay as a whole.
    I sell a wide range of items but more than 70% in ceramics and glass. The most frequent complaint I hear from collectors is the large amount of “rubbish” in this category.


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