Free private seller listings 1st-9th Sept

No primary category set

eBay UK are running a nine day free listing promotion for private sellers kicking off on Saturday the 1st of September and running until Sunday the 9th.

The promotion covers items with a start price of £1 or more (items with a lower start price can already be listed for free) with a limit of 150 free listings per eBay ID.

I find the limit of 150 items rather strange, it’s not many listings per day and eBay have typically run promotions of up to 100 free listings per day or per weekend recently. That makes this a pretty tame promotion as far as total free listings goes, although still generous for private sellers – how much stuff can they have laying around the house to sell?

As is usual with eBay promotions you can’t use professional listing tools, there are a few excluded categories, and sellers must meet minimum selling standards.

Full details of the are on eBay UK.

7 Responses

  1. The US site had a similar extended zero insertion fee offer from July 11th to the 17th, but haven’t had another general free listing offer since, although there had been a period before that when they had them quite regularly.

    Could this be a similar swan song for the UK site?

  2. Great News! I just listed stuff last night (10 days) that would end on the weekend that typically wouldn’t have free listings ending. It all won’t get lost in the shuffle at all. Cheers Ebay (sarcasm mode end)

  3. In the US it is usually open to all (private and business), or sometimes they have two promotions, one for shop owners and another for non-shop owners. I was hoping for one in August, but it never happened.
    I get so frustrated when eBay UK gets flooded with these free promotions for private sellers. Where are the perks for business sellers? Year on year my business went into slow decline, and I ended up closing my store and opening it on the US site instead.

  4. Firstly as somebody who has called for some imagination in Free Listing Weekends may I congratulate ebay on doing something differant. I hope that at the end of it that they find that the results are possitive.

    I must admit that I will not be able to take advantage of it. I am in the middle of a long running arguement with ebay as earlier this year my account was targeted by a scammer. He not only took me for the books and as he demanded his monies back from ebay(and they refunded him from my Paypal Account-even though the scammer had had the Books)he had the monies back but he also left malitious Feedback(all lies from beginning to end).

    But ebay has now hauled me over the coals 3 times because of that malitious feedback and has told me that it has not finished yet. It is going to haul me over the coals again. I have been tried, convicted, sentenced, executed 3 times so far with another to come and nobody at ebay will even listen to my defence. Talk about a Kangaroo Court.

    Natural Justice obviously ebay does not even understand the meaning of the word.

  5. 150 free listings is more than enough for a genuine private seller. Its nice to see this spread over 7 days rather than just 2 at the weekend. The time taken to prepare, photograph, list, package and then either arrange couriers or cart the stuff to the post office is enough to put any private seller into a early grave. Just a pity Ebay ban the use of tools such as Turbolister.


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