Today sees the 700th broadcast of eBay Radio, a phenomenal experience for the twice weekly program! Hosted by Griff (who joined eBay as its first customer support representative in 1996) and Lee Mirabal, the show attracts listeners from around the world.
You can listen live on Tuesday for eBay Radio, 11am-2pm PT, and on Thursday for eBay Radio’s Ask Griff & Lee, 11am-1pm PT. Archives are available 24/7 for listening or download. There is also a forum to comment on each eBay Radio program if you don’t want to dial in live!
Having already arranged to talk about eBay’s recent ‘The Art of Shopping‘ experience on today’s show, I was chuffed to discover that I would be a part of eBay Radio’s 700th show. Also discussed was Top Rated Selling, eBay’s latest Seller Release, educating seniors on how to use eBay and a ton of other useful and interesting content.
A huge congratulations to Griff and Lee on their achievement!
One Response
Thank you so much for being a vital part of eBay Radio #700 — as our longtime sometime roving reporter, it wouldn’t’ve been a proper celebration without you!
Now to persuade you to cross The Pond for eBay Open 2018…